Your Billboard Lease Can Be Sold!
If you’re one of the thousands of landlords who lease land for billboards, you may be able to sell your active lease in return for a lump-sum cash payment.
Billboard lease buyouts are becoming more and more popular as they allow landowners to cash in on the future value of their leases — today. Instead of waiting for the true value of your leases to arrive over several years, get the money you need in one go.
Why Do Owners Sell Billboard Leases?
The money earned from selling a billboard lease can be used in any way you want. The reasons for cashing in include:
- Securing the capital needed to grow a business
- The repayment of debt
- Freeing up cash for a new real estate deal
- Settling estates
- Divorce rulings or business dissolutions
- Payment of tax liabilities
The Billboard Market Explained
Billboard advertising is big business these days. In the US alone, the out-of-home advertising market — of which billboard advertising is a large part — was worth more than $7 billion a year in 2015. The marketing and advertising companies that display billboards like to do so on many different types of property, but they don’t have the resources to buy the land they need. They lease land from local municipalities, railroads and any individual or organization that owns the land they need.
Billboard owners enter into a special, long-term agreement to use land for the construction of billboards. In most cases, the billboard company is given a 10 to 40 year lease in exchange for a monthly or annual land lease payment to keep the billboard on the property.
Selling Your Billboard Lease Is Easier Than Ever
If you need to raise cash quickly, you can sell a billboard lease to a third party, and receive your cash within a matter of days. While selling the lease diverts any future revenues to the buyer, you get a lump sum in advance.
Companies such as Outdoor Equities help property owners with an active billboard lease to turn their long-term arrangement into immediate cash. Choosing a company that has the necessary experience and expertise means you don’t need to go anywhere else to raise the funds you need.
There’s no need to struggle to raise the cash you need when you have an active billboard lease in place. Instead of waiting several years for your revenues, cash them in today!